MW stations were mostly absent last Sunday, but summer is not time for MW anyway.
3905 14.7. 2110- Likedeeler R. White Rabbit, Highway To Hell and other rock classics.
3930 14.7. 2055- R Activity. Schlagers.
3932 14.7. 2228-2303 R MRF. The last station of active pirate weekend. A lot of acoustic pop and solid signal.
6210 14.7. 1920- R Goudenster. At times fair copy.
6280 14.7. 1845-2007 R Mazda. Great signal.
6288 14.7. 1900-1920 R Boomerang. Great signal as always.
6295 14.7. 2153- Top R. Power is very toplike 10 watts.
6300 14.7. 2133- R TRX. Bluesnonstop.
6305 14.7. 1835- R Morningstar.
6305 14.7. 2010- R Powerliner Int.
6305 14.7. 1850- R Zodiac.
6400 14.7. 2020- R Dr. Tim. BZN. Probably relay via Caroline.
6435 14.7. 1803- Zwarte Panter.
6745 14.7. 1800- R Pink Panther. Both panthers on air same time.
Looks like 34 pirate loggins during one weekend. That's a lot in Finnish horizon. Thank you to all stations and people on chat.
maanantai 15. heinäkuuta 2013
sunnuntai 14. heinäkuuta 2013
High Activity Saturday
1629 | 13.7. | 2130- | HOL: R Armada. Strongest on MW tonight. | |
1638 | 13.7. | -0100 | HOL: R Bluebird. Heard even in Newfoundland with S7 by Terry. In July! | |
3905 | 13.7. | 2140- | HOL: Baken 16. | |
3932 | 13.7. | 2048- | HOL: MRF Radio. Not very well at all, but probably just 15 watts. | |
5800 | 13.7. | 1855- | HOL: R Tower. | |
5810 | 13.7. | 2145- | HOL: R Continental. | |
6240 | 13.7. | 1905- | HOL: R Mustang. "Low Power". | |
6250 | 13.7. | 2020- | HOL: R Black Arrow. | |
6260 | 13.7. | 2015-2400 | I (?): SW Gold. Settled now here in the time when Tashkent is having a break. Probably ex-Playback/Mystery Radio. | |
6270 | 13.7. | 1910-0100 | D: Hit Radio Roter Baron. | |
6285 | 13.7. | 2015- | HOL: R Goudenster. | |
6295 | 13.7. | 1920- | HOL: TWN. Familiar names behind this station: Akai, Lowland, Alice. | |
6305 | 13.7. | 2237- | HOL: NMD Radio. Started after Ronex. | |
6305 | 13.7. | 2205- | HOL: R Ronex. Testin new TX. At times Hi-Fi. | |
6305 | 13.7. | 1845- | HOL: R Telstar. 150 wattia. | |
6306 | 13.7. | 2005- | HOL: Radio Rob. | |
6326 | 13.7. | 2210- | CZE: R Caroline. | |
6745 | 13.7. | 1850- | HOL: R Pioneer. 50 watts, good signal. | |
6920 | 13.7. | 2353- | HOL: R Trans Europe. Heard in Newfoundland and Boston. Must change its name now as Trans Atlantic. |
Thank you to all stations! Good signals here on countryside with AOR-7030 and 150/600 metres wires.
keskiviikko 8. toukokuuta 2013
Hibernation is the best nation
After some very unfruitful winter months back to pirate dxing. Loggings made with Mauno Ritola's SDR located in Joensuu and Twente SDR. Hopefully in near future I can sit in front of "real radio" in Padasjoki once again.
May 7th
1617-1847 6305 Radio Odynn, smelled like teen spirit while ghost riders attacked from sky. Ended with national anthem of Netherlands. :-D
1700-1821 6280 Telstar Radio, great programme with Golden Oldies, greets to Jari, Caro, Pluto, BA, etc. Heino records.
1823 6345 Radio ACDC. (Twente)
1826 6290 Radio Foxfire. (Twente)
1851 6305 Radiorob, report from Rotterdam to Odynn after Odynn cd. (Twente)
1905 6290 Radio Black Arrow. Greets to Doc, Lowland, etc. Goldfinger and Sandstorm on player.
1917 6300 Radio Luxembourg. Very treble-dominated sound this time. Propaganda transmission. (It played Duel.)
2003 1640 Radio Caldera. Power raised to 300 watts and heard for the first time by me.
2040 1647 Radio Armada. Calipso-like power, almost. Little Lies.
2054 1654 Vuurvogel. Reports to Caldera and Armada.
2110 1656 Studio 69. Short QSO. Greets to Wire and Jari.
A lot of activity during ordinary Tuesday evening!
keskiviikko 5. joulukuuta 2012
tiistai 4. joulukuuta 2012
Dxpedition in Jalasjärvi 12-22.11.2012
No Trans-Atlantic conditions, excluding Argentinians. No Asians except couple of Iranians. As all other directions were more or less blocked thanks to geomagnetic activity, the result was a lengthy pirate log.
1539 20.11. 1821- Batavia.
1611 20.11.
1506- Armada.
1611 17.11.
1424- Tower.
1611 18.11. 2345- Utopia.
1611 18.11. 2345- Utopia.
1618 19.11. 1336- Eskimo.
1618 20.11. 2126- Nova 4.
1618 19.11.
1322- Valencia.
1620 15.11.
1849- Arabier.
1620 16.11.
1405- Bluebird.
1620 20.11. 2132- Carolina.
1620 14.11. 1529- Edelkampioen.
1620 12.11.
1825- Kruik.
1620 16.11.
1746- Relmus.
1620 17.11.
1919- Sapporo. QSO met Quintus.
1620 18.11.
2035- Weduwe.
1621 21.11.
2008- Wadloper.
1625 19.11.
1326- Poema.
1625 18.11.
2032- Wadloper.
1625 17.11.
1824- Zwarte Arabier.
1629 19.11. 1336- Lancia.
1629 19.11. 1317- Zender JB.
1630 15.11.
1404- Baanbreker.
1630 20.11.
2150- Maskramer.
1630 15.11.
1705- Nimmerzorg.
1630 18.11. 1702- Visotter.
1633 19.11.
2251- Barcelona.
1634 20.11.
1515- Ramona.
1636 15.11.
2038- De Witte Reus.
1636 17.11.
2005- Keizer en Keizerin.
1636 18.11. 1833- Turftrekker.
1638 19.11. 2358- Bluebird.
1640 20.11. 1527- Blauwe Boer.
1640 21.11. 2127- Kristal.
1640 16.11. 2135-
1640 21.11. 2329- Melkbus R.
1640 14.11.
1553- Leopard.
1640 18.11. 2200- Studio Friesland.
1642 14.11.
1833- Blauwe Reiger.
1644 14.11.
2153- Vrolijke Mijnwerker.
1645 21.11.
2235- Goudenster.
1645 25.11.
1838- Internationaal.
1645 20.11.
1605- Spanningzoeker.
1645 19.11.
2210- Zender Marianne.
1646 15.11.
1707- Boer Knelis.
1647 18.11.
0149- Calipso.
1647 18.11.
2329- Montecarlo.
1647 15.11.
1717- Noordzee.
1647 22.11. 0102-
1647 18.11.
1816- Witte Tornado.
1648 13.11.
2210- Armada.
1648 18.11. 2329- Casablanca Int.
1648 18.11.
1834- Zeewolf.
1648 14.11.
1832- Readymix.
1650 15.11.
2031- Bonte Specht.
1650 19.11.
2110- De Witte Raaf.
1650 17.11.
1933- Moby Dick.
1650 16.11.
2006- Vrolijke Mijnwerker.
1651 15.11.
2109- Uniek.
1655 15.11.
1613- James Bond.
1656 18.11.
1735- Studio 69.
1657 21.11.
2243- Jeneverstoker. QSO Centraal.
1657 20.11.
1942- Kristal.
1660 21.11.
2215- Centraal.
1661 16.11.
2047- Monza.
1662 15.11.
2205- Oldtimer R.
1670 18.11.
1654- Tante Foek & Viking.
1675 17.11.
2310- Matrix.
1675 19.11. 2200- Vrolijke
1675 18.11. 2300- Ascona.
1680 19.11. 2147- Digitaal. Qso
3905 16.11. 1732- Skyline Int.
3905 18.11.
2147- Ascona.
6205 17.11.
1716- De Witte Reus.
6208 16.11.
1620- Armadillo.
6215 18.11.
1419- Sluwe Vos.
6267 16.11.
1730- Blackbeard.
6275 15.11. 1438- Altrex.
6280 13.11.
1621- Luxemburg.
6282 18.11.
1405- Luxemburg.
6285 15.11. -1530 Montecarlo R.
6285 19.11. 1435-1448 Vliegende Makrille.
6290 20.11.
1625- Antigoon/Babyradio.
6290 18.11.
0119- Tips & Elvis Show.
6291 17.11.
1604- Atlantis.
6295 12.11. 1515- Odynn.
6295 15.11. 1418- De Witte Reus.
6300 20.11.
1758- Top Radio.
6304 18.11.
1641- Underground.
6305 18.11.
1432- Merlin Int.
6305 15.11.
1420- Osaka.
6305 16.11.
1638- Rockefeller.
6307 18.11.
1901- Mazda.
6324 18.11.
1459- Zodiac Int.
6325 20.11.
1812- Golf Victor.
6325 17.11.
1445- Quintus.
6375 15.11. 1408- Verona.
6449 17.11.
1641- Studio 52.
6450 18.11.
1552- Universe.
6505 17.11.
1822- Zomerzon.
6735 16.11.
1551- Cool AM.
6925 20.11.
0325- USA: Blue Ocean
6937 17.11.
1713- Irish Music
6940 18.11. 0242-0428
USA: Wolverine Radio.
15065 17.11. 1500- Trans Europe. hulp van vrienden in AM-forum was zeer gewaardeerd!
Hoi alle
Recently I have began listening to pirate stations actively. As a DXer I am an omnivorous animal, so a reader should't be surprised to see other stations logged here too.
When I am not located in the listening post of our local dx club Lahden Radioharrastajat, I am using remote sdr radios.
"Baai" in the title is a literal Dutch language translation of the name of my home town Lahti.
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